Summary Draft 1

In the article “Floor Lights Help 'Smartphone Zombies' Keep Eye on the Road”, Tan (2017) reports that Land Transport Authority (LTA) has installed LED strips in pavements to help pedestrians be more aware of their surroundings when crossing the road. The initiative could be useful in combatting the rise in pedestrians who are always looking at their mobile devices. Tan highlighted statistics provided by the Traffic Police showing that there was a 5.4% increase in traffic accidents involving pedestrians as compared to 2015. These LED strips are placed on trial at areas with high pedestrian activity to determine its effectiveness in raising awareness for road safety. It will also light up like the traditional traffic lights, providing a sense of familiarity to the pedestrians. While the article did mention about a rise in traffic accidents involving pedestrians, the author did not provide concrete evidence that smartphone usage is directly responsible for the increase. Hence, more research should be conducted to conclude if “smartphone zombies” are the primary cause of such accidents.


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